Hydrotherapy Rehabilitation Gymnastics (HRG) is recommended for children aged 6 months to 8 years, and in some cases up to 12 years, who show the following symptoms:
- Premature birth
- Delayed speech development
- Delayed motor development, coordination disorders, or difficulties
- Childhood autism (for non-cooperative children)
- Severe hyperactivity
- ADHD – Significant attention and concentration problems
- Central nervous system damage (e.g., cerebral palsy) up to 12 years of age
- Regulatory disorders (eating, sleeping, behavioral problems)
- Behavioral issues:
- Increased aggression
- Anxiety
- Lack of cooperation
- Weak control functions
- Parent-child relationship problems or attachment disorders
- Sensory processing disorders (SPD)
- Swimming preparation – foundational techniques for the sport
HRG serves as a complementary therapy to both TSMT® I and TSMT® II programs. This method utilizes the unique characteristics of the aquatic environment (temperature, buoyancy, water resistance, etc.) and the continuous sensory stimuli provided by the water touching the child’s skin, which has a significant positive impact on the nervous system. For non-cooperative or attachment-challenged children, it is recommended to complement TSMT® I therapy with HRG, as the changed environment positively influences balance stimulation and cooperation while also aiding the integration of archaic reflexes.

How Does HRG Therapy Work?
HRG therapy takes place in warm water, where therapists design activities for homogeneous groups based on deficits and skill levels, choosing from over 1,000 exercises. A key feature of HRG therapy is that parents are present in the pool, and the HRG therapist instructs the group of 10–12 participants accordingly. Using a variety of tools and diverse situations, children are given active and passive stimuli, allowing them to explore their abilities, learn to respond to different balance situations, and gain body awareness. This process enhances their cognitive development, perception, attention, and memory.
More than 1,000 exercises are implemented progressively, following the stages of children’s motor development, with the assistance of parents or caregivers in a training pool environment.
Duration of HRG Therapy
HRG therapy sessions last 40–90 minutes, occurring 1–2 times a week. Each set of training exercises is practiced 5–10 times with the children and their parents. Since achieving proper postural control in water takes time and requires safety, a higher repetition count is recommended. Both the initiation and conclusion of HRG therapy are conducted using the Longitudinal Complex Assessment, LongiKid®.

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