The individual Targeted Sensory-Motor Training (TSMT® I) therapy is recommended for children aged 3 months to 8 years who exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Delayed speech development
  • Delayed motor development
  • Autism spectrum disorder, in cases of non-cooperative children
  • ADHD
  • Central nervous system damage (CP) under the age of 5
  • Severe learning-related disorders (dyscalculia, dyslexia, dysgraphia)
  • Regulatory issues (eating and sleeping problems)
  • Behavioral problems, including heightened aggression
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of cooperation
  • Weak control functions
  • Sensory processing disorders (SPD)
  • Preventive measures when such symptoms have appeared in family history (parents or older siblings).

TSMT® I is recommended if the child demonstrates developmental delays exceeding 3–6 months, significant stagnation, or if assessments confirm that their nervous system and motor development scores fall below 50%, indicating impaired zones.

Therapy is also advised if the child cannot understand, imitate, or perform the therapeutic tasks, shows regressive or oppositional behavior, or is uncooperative and unable to focus.

The therapy always begins with the Longitudinal Complex Assessment (LongiKid®), which evaluates the child’s sensory-motor and cognitive status, identifies potential delays, and establishes therapeutic goals. If the child is uncooperative during the assessment or cannot participate in the testing situation, the initial therapeutic goal focuses on fostering cooperation to enable an accurate profile to be drawn during the six-month follow-up.

A qualified TSMT® therapist selects and personalizes the training program from over 1,000 tasks. The tasks are taught to the parents, who practice them at home with the child according to the therapist’s specified frequency. Families may practice with the therapist multiple times per month if needed, but protocol mandates a monthly control session at the institution. During these control sessions and bi-monthly program revisions, the therapist adjusts the intensity and difficulty of tasks, corrects execution if necessary, and modifies the tasks to align with the therapeutic goals.

The length of each session depends on the child’s age and cooperation level, ranging from 20 minutes (for children aged 3–12 months) to 90 minutes per session. As the child progresses, the time required to complete the exercise sequences decreases. However, sessions under 30 minutes are generally ineffective for restructuring neural pathways after a certain age.

TSMT® I typically lasts at least six months, after which a follow-up assessment determines subsequent therapeutic goals. If, after the follow-up, the child’s developmental delay is less than three months, their symptoms have reduced, or they have resolved completely, the therapy can be concluded or replaced with other interventions (e.g., speech therapy, special education, drama therapy, or group-based TSMT®).