The group-based Targeted Sensory-Motor Training (TSMT® II) therapy is recommended for children aged 18 months to 12 years who exhibit one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Speech development disorders or delays
  • Uncertain or delayed motor development, clumsy movement execution
  • Attention and concentration issues, such as:
    • Short-term memory and working memory difficulties
    • Challenges in multi-channel attention
    • Difficulty remembering task sequences
    • Struggles with independent task completion
  • Learning-related disorders or risks (dyscalculia, dyslexia, dysgraphia):
    • Difficulties with spatial orientation
  • Uncertainty in distinguishing left from right
  • Weak synchronization functions
  • Behavioral issues:
    • Anxiety and lack of self-confidence
    • Weak control functions or mild hyperactivity
    • Challenges in social cooperation and acceptance
  • Sensory processing disorders (SPD).

Group therapy is recommended for children who, during the Longitudinal Complex Assessment (LongiKid®), achieve 50–75% maturity in the nervous system and motor development areas but score below 75% in the cognitive attention domain. Participants must be cooperative and able to work independently or with minimal assistance in groups of 4–8.

This therapy is particularly effective for children with motor uncertainty, hyperactivity, or school readiness concerns, especially if attention functions require development.