Behavioral disorders involve difficulties in adapting to social norms, often leading to conflict at home, in school, or within communities. Learning, Behavioral, and Adjustment Difficulties is a broader category that includes learning and integration challenges, while behavioral disorders specifically focus on conduct-related issues.

The LongiKid® assessment identifies neurological deviations underlying behavioral issues. The results facilitate the creation of a therapy plan tailored to the child’s individual needs, aiding in the effective management of these challenges.

TSMT® exercises support nervous system maturation, essential for regulated behavior and emotional control. Early implementation can prevent the emergence of behavioral issues and contribute to more balanced social functioning. Additionally, it helps parents adopt appropriate educational strategies.

A psychologist can uncover emotional and social problems underlying behavioral issues and teach techniques to children and parents to handle everyday situations more effectively. Psychological support complements TSMT® and HRG therapies, enhancing their effectiveness.

Individual TSMT® develops self-control, attention, and neurological maturity through targeted exercises. Personalized tasks improve emotional stability and behavioral organization, while specific sensory inputs aid nervous system development.

Group TSMT® teaches children to adapt to rules and collaborate with others through shared movement activities. This enhances social skills, emotional control, and cooperation while alleviating behavioral issues. The structured exercises further develop the nervous system, supporting better self-regulation in daily life.

HRG (Hydrotherapeutic Rehabilitation Gymnastics) utilizes the natural resistance and calming effects of water to enhance sensory integration, muscle tone, and motor coordination while reducing stress. Structured water-based exercises improve attention, emotional control, and rule-following skills, while also boosting the child’s self-confidence and ability to cooperate with parents and peers.

TSMT® and HRG therapies, combined with psychological support, provide a holistic approach to managing behavioral disorders, promoting the child’s harmonious development and daily functioning.